Saturday, December 27, 2008

Silly Monkey.

Took these pictures today and just couldn't resist to post. One of the many gifts that Drew got for Christmas was a Curious George stuffed animal (from my Uncle Joe - Drew's Great Uncle). It is soooo cute and Drew just loves it, as you can tell by the pictures! He especially likes chewing on him - we have just noticed that Drew has cut his 3rd tooth!

Sweet cousins.

Here are the beginning of our Christmas pictures. I've taken 200 plus and am still going through them. I love these pictures of Drew and Hayden - so sweet together!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Lots of scrapbooking to do.

Just printed off 200+ pictures of Drew (months 2-5). That's in addition to the 200+ that I already printed off a while back (months 1-2). Looks like I'm going to be BUSY this weekend! I am soooooo looking forward to the break! Thanks to my sweet hubby for letting me go. :)

Santa Baby.

Mom and I took Drew to meet Santa for the first time a couple of weekends ago. Drew LOVED him - he even smiled and laughed (although they didn't catch that on camera). Love these pictures of my sweet boy. Isn't he precious!?!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Cutie pie boy.

My sweet boy. Pictures taken over the past month or so. Too many to write about each I'll just leave you with the pics. Now that I'm caught up, I'm going to stay current. Hopefully. :)

My little vacation.

Looking forward to my upcoming weekend vacation at the Scrappin Pad......
It will be my first night away from Drew - and I will be gone for 3 WHOLE nights - so I know that will be hard.
But, I'm so looking forward to scrapbooking, being with friends, eating YUMMY food, and lounging in comfy clothes all weekend.
Now, I've just got to get all of my pictures and stuff organized.
Counting down the days..........

Lazy Sunday afternoon.

Just watching tv and eating my bottle in my PJ's.

5 months.

On my 5-month birthday. Look at my two bottom teeth!

Love him in little hats. About to leave for Angel's house.

I say it every month, but I can't believe how fast my baby boy is growing! 5-months old! That is so hard for me to believe. Oh, he is soooooo sweet and seems to be getting sweeter with each and every day. When I took these pictures of him on the morning of his 5-month birthday (Friday), I got so sad. I think he looks like such a big boy - not so much like a newborn baby anymore - he is just growing too fast. We are making sure though that we enjoy EVERY minute with him. Here are a few of Drew's favorite things at 5-months old.

-JUMPING! in the jumper at Angel's house, in his exersaucer, standing on your lap, etc. His weight has actually stayed level lately (around 20 pounds) - I'm sure its from all of the exercise he's getting JUMPING!
-Loves looking in the mirror at himself.
-Sitting up and playing with his toys!
-Watching Cotton's every move. He's already gotten a hold of Cotton's hair once (he wants to pet him). Cotton handled it very well...he just kind of backed away (he loves Drew).
-Grabbing Mommy and Daddy's faces and playing with our hair. Also, for some reason, he wants to eat Mommy's face.
-Squealing, talking, laughing all the time.
-Not one of his favorite things - but Drew has had LOTS of ear infections (4 in the past 5 months). He gets over one and then has another one. Weird because neither Sam or I have a history with ear infections. Very likely he will get tubes in the next month or two.
-Sleeping on his tummy.
-Rolling over from his back to stomach - occasionally, he will roll back the other way, but not consistently.
-Pushing his chest up off the ground when on his tummy - can't coordinate the movement of his legs though yet.
-Eating rice, fruit and veggies - he's doing great with a spoon!
-Loves waking up at 5:30 am EVERY morning - it doesn't matter what time he goes to bed. Still sleeping all night though, so I guess I shouldn't complain.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Beginning of catch up. Beware - lots of pics!

Determined to get caught up with all my pictures and blogging from the past weeks. So, here we go. I'll start with Thanksgiving weekend.....

We ended up spending Thanksgiving in Fayetteville with Sam's family coming to visit. We had a great weekend....there was lots of time for relaxing, hanging out, shopping, eating, and putting up the Christmas tree. We missed my family at Thanksgiving, but it was nice to spend Thanksgiving at home and get everyone healthy. :)

My Little Turkey

First glimpse of the Christmas tree. He loved the lights and wanted to touch it!

Momma and Drew

Drew loves hanging out with Grandpa!

Grandma and Drew before Thanksgiving dinner.

Dinner at MiMi's Cafe - Drew did not like the big boy high chair and he was cranky too!

We thought he was uncomfortable in his cute outfit - so I changed him into a onsie.....

Then he was Aunt Suz offered to feed him so we could eat.

Grandma Viv finished feeding Drew and then he conked out on her. Sleepy boy missed our yummy Thanksgiving dinner.

Back at home now. Happy Drew is ready to play now.

Drew is so interested in Cotton now. He has started trying to touch him. It is so cute! Cotton is so good with Drew, but I have a feeling once Drew gets a hold of his hair, Cotton won't come too close anymore.

Drew loves his Daddy rubbing his head. He will just sit in a trance.

Daddy and Drew on Drew's first Thanksgiving.

Mommy and Drew on Drew's first Thanksgiving.

Our little family - Thanksgiving 2008

Grandpa & Drew again.

Drew ate sweet potatoes on Thanksgiving. He really liked them. They are mommy's favorite too! I couldn't manage to get a picture with his eyes open. He is starting to blink really bad at my flash!