Monday, January 26, 2009

New Tricks.

Thought I would share some of Drew's random new tricks:
* loves touching the tassels on the fan. only daddy can let him do this - mommy isn't tall enough!
*likes to chew the handle on his passy (see pictures below). silly boy.
*he loves spinning toys, especially his 'spin a letter' and 'the animals have something to say' learning toy
*throwing fits! when he doesn't get his way, he throws a fit. when you leave the room, he throws a fit. when you change his clothes, he throws a fit! i don't know what we are going to do with this boy. funny thing is that he doesn't do this for angel or when we are out in public or around friends - typically only at home.
*tries to clap. its so cute.
*loves for you to cheer for him. i suspect he is going to like cheerleaders.

Here are a couple of pictures from him earlier today. We're home iced in enjoying our time together (hopefully with electricity). Hope everyone is staying warm!

{So Sweet Together}

Pictures from last weekend in Mtn. Home. Sorry I'm late posting. Drew and Hayden absolutely LOVE each other. It is the cutest and sweetest thing. Drew grabs for Hayden and watches him everywhere he goes. Hayden is such a sweet big cuz. He's always picking up Drew's pacifier for him, giving him toys, and hugging and kissing him. I hope they are always this sweet together.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sneak Peek - 6 Month Photo Shoot

Anne-Camille took Drew's 6-month pictures yesterday, and she posted a few last night! We did them in studio this time since its so cold outside - and it was fun to do something different. I love the pictures - so simple, but so precious. Thanks A-C! I can't wait to see the rest!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

I'm 6-Months Old!!!

Drew's favorite things to do at 6-months old:
-play peek-a-boo
-laugh - everything is funny!
-loves his big boy carseat
-put everything in his mouth
-touch and grab anything within his reach
-be tickled
-make funny faces and noises with his mouth
-PLAY - he would rather play than do anything else!
-roll over non-stop
-sit up like a big boy
-eat baby food (he hasn't turned down anything yet)
-sleep in his own crib
-jabber (makes alot of sounds like 'oh' and 'wow')
-watch Cotton play
-reach for Mommy and Daddy
-smile to show my 5 teeth! yes, i said 5 teeth! (2 uppers and 3 bottomers)
-feed himself...spoon, bottle....this boy is independent!
-throw fits when something is taken away from him that he wants or when he is getting dressed.
-watch Baby Einstein
-be happy (he is such a happy little guy!)
-take baths in his new big boy seat!

Stats from his 6-month appointment:
-21 pounds 14 ounces (98th percentile)
-29 1/2 inches long (over 100th percentile)
-head circumference was in the 90th percentile

Sunday, January 11, 2009

More Funny Faces.

These pictures are courtesy of Grandma Haney. She took them when they came and stayed with Drew over New Year's. I'm telling you - he's really into these funny faces!


Drew's surgery went very well. We are just so glad its over and thankful everything went okay. Even though its a very routine surgery, its still scary to hand your baby over to doctors. A couple pictures I took with my iphone before he went in for surgery. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. Hopefully this is the last surgery for a very, very long time.

Little Razorback.

Even though the Hogs didn't fair so well last night, Drew looked cute cheering them on! Mom bought him this outfit after he was first born....and well, it was supposed to be for this summer (18 months). But, as you can already fits him. Chunky little monkey is just growing too fast. Sarah, Jeremy and Addie came over last night to cheer on the hogs with us and Drew and Addie were too cute together. They have become really interested in each other - they held hands, played footsie, and talked lots of baby talk to each other!

Funny faces.

Drew has started making some really funny faces. And weird noises with his mouth. I think it mostly has to do with his teething. They are so cute though. One face (see first picture below) he makes, I think he looks like Popeye!

I added a few other recent pictures too.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Love this picture.

Don't know why, but I love this picture of Drew (taken with my iphone - the quality is not good, but i still love it). I think he looks so big - just sitting on Daddy's lap in his PJ's.

We had a wonderful New Year's! Sam and I took our first mini-vacation together since Drew was born! We were definitely ready! Sam's parents were very sweet and came to watch Drew in Fayetteville overnight. They had a big time together. Sam and I had a great day of shopping in Branson, then a yummy dinner at Macaroni Grill, and then a wonderful night of sleep and morning of sleeping in! We were very ready to get home and see Drew, but we felt refreshed!

Mom is here this weekend with me and Drew. Sam went to Mtn. Home to hang with his family and work on Drew's toy box. Mom watched Drew on Friday while I worked, and then we have just hung around the house most of the weekend. It has been really nice! I love having my mom around.

Drew news......he is getting tubes this next Friday. While they call it 'surgery', I'm trying not to think like that. Definitely doesn't compare to his previous surgery, but still it is a little scary....them poking a hole in his ear drum. I'm a worrier though. I just hope it makes him feel better. He's had 5 ear infections in the past 3 months and his little body isn't reacting to the antibiotics anymore. I am hopefully that the tubes will mean no more (or at least not as many) ear infections. Say a little prayer for us this week!

On a more positive side....Drew is now sleeping in his own room in his own crib! Its been a little overdue, but with all his infections and not feeling well, we just didn't feel right making the change. Its been a much easier transition than I thought and he seems to love his bed! I'm sure its so much more comfortable than the pack-n-play that he has been calling his bed. Also, Drew is teething like crazy. Not so much fun. He has been refusing to eat his teeth are hurting so bad. He has 3 teeth on the bottom, with his top 2 working on coming in. Growing way too fast....already on 2nd foods.

Hope everyone has a great 2009!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Getting SO big.

Had to post a few cute pictures of Drew from the past week. I can't believe how much he is growing (over 21 pounds and there is no telling how long he is now)!