Sunday, February 24, 2008

It's a....................................

BOY!!!!!! It still feels surreal, but we couldn't be more excited!!! His name will be Andrew Wayne and we will call him Drew.

Our 20-week appt/ultrasound was Friday. Both of our parents (moms and dads) were able to come up for the ultrasound. Thank goodness! I was stressing over the weather and that they weren't going to make it!

The ultrasound was such an incredible experience! It was so neat to see this little human being in my belly! He was so cute - he was moving his mouth like crazy, rubbing his eyes with his hand like he was tired, and was kicking and punching EVERYWHERE. He is an active little baby! I'm already feeling him moving quite a bit. Seems like when he's awake he's constantly moving and kicking!!! I could have stared at the ultrasound screen all day!

Here are some stats from our appointment:
  • Drew weighed 12 ounces and was 7 inches long.
  • His hearbeat was 153 beats per minute.
  • I am 1 week further along than they thought (yeah!!!) so I am now 20 weeks and 5 days.
  • Everything looked healthy - he's growing just like he's supposed to!

Immediately after our appointment, mom and I hit the stores for some shopping! I was a little overwhelmed at first - had no idea what to buy first - but it didn't take long for me to get in the groove! Little Drew made away with all kinds of stuff!

On Saturday, we took my parents to The Baby's Room to show them the furniture that we ordered.....and we found out that 2 pieces were already in and ready to be picked up! That was so exciting! Dad and Sam picked up the crib and changing table and brought them home! Now we're just waiting on the tall 5-drawer dresser. Sam put together the crib last night and it looks beautiful in the baby's room!

I've almost picked out the fabrics for the bedding and hope that I can order it this week. I'm getting so excited to get everything ready in the nursery. I think I'll beat my goal of May to finish the nursery!!!!!

I'll post some pictures later!!!!! My belly is growing larger by the day! I love it!

20-week ultrasound video!!!!

Check out our 20-week ultrasound of little Drew! He is already so cute!

Monday, February 4, 2008

16-week check up!!!

This morning I FINALLY got to go in for my 16-wk appointment. I've never been so excited to go see a doctor! :)

The highpoints of the appointment included:

-Heartbeat - 145 beats per minute - the dr. had a really easy time finding the heartbeat, but a hard time counting the beats per minute because the baby was being really active moving and kicking - you could hear the kicks and movement; it was SUPER neat

-Feb. 22 - We go back for my 20-wk ultrasound to find out whether we're having a boy or girl! We can hardly wait to go back and find out. Both of our parents are coming up for the ultrasound (and then a little shopping afterwards), which I'm excited about. I can't wait to finally buy something! I'm CONVINCED we're having a little Drew. I guess we'll know for sure in LESS THAN 3 WEEKS.

Here's a pic from this morning before my appt. I feel like I've gained 10 pounds in the past month, but somehow I managed to lose 1 pound this month. Don't understand....I've been eating like crazy since I can finally hold food down again and it tastes good!!!!

Super Bowl Party

Lyndsy and Cory hosted a Super Bowl party last night. I honestly didn't even watch 2 minutes of the first half! All the boys were huddled in the living room watching the game, while the girls were visiting and eating (yummy pedifores). Sam and I left at halftime and came home so we could get everything ready for Monday. I actually did watch the last 10 minutes of the game and we were excited that the Giants pulled off the upset. There are some pics from last night below.

My dr. appt (16-wk) was cancelled on Thursday due to the dusting of snow that NWA got! Uggghhh I was so frustrated! They rescheduled me for this morning (Monday), so hopefully I will have something exciting to post this evening!

Can't sleep again....been up since 3:30 this morning...its going to be a LONG Monday! Hope everyone has a great week!

Me & Sam

Myra & Barry

Sarah, Lyndsy & Anna

Yummy Pedifores!

Anna & Nick

Me & Jill

Cory & Evie

Me & Rickey

Sarah & Jeremy

Jill & Chris

Katie & Chris