Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Eggs, eggs, eggs and more eggs

I can't stop thinking about eggs! The weird thing is - I have never liked eggs (well my Mom says that I loved them when I was little, but I don't remember that)- they have always been the ONE food that I would rather starve than eat. Until last morning at work I thought that a ham and cheese omelette sounded so I ordered one and haven't stopped eating them since! I even made myself scrambled eggs for dinner the other night - the first time I have ever made eggs. What a milestone! Its so bizarre - I think about eggs first thing when I get up in the morning and the last thing before I go to bed. Weird, weird, weird, weird........

Other recent cravings - PANCAKES (I was eating them every morning before I got hooked to eggs), CHOCOLATE MILK, BACON, and CEREAL (Fruit Loops). I guess you could say that I would eat breakfast for every meal if Sam would let me!

Sorry for the weird post, but I just had to share my crazy pregnancy cravings!