Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sick of being sick.

We have been one sick house the past few weeks. That darn tummy bug has had us all down and out. Drew caught it at Angel's house first, then Sam got it, then I got it, then Drew got it again. Then we thought we were in the clear and I caught it again Saturday evening on our trip home from Mtn. Home. Uggggghhhhh, we are sick of being sick to say the least. I quarantined myself from Sam and Drew while sick and hope that neither of them catch it again. So far so good, but we are still so worn down from being sick!

As a result, our Thanksgiving plans have changed. :(
We had planned to travel to Bloomfield, MO to visit my parent's families, but we just don't have the energy and we don't want to take the bug to my grandmothers. Plus, Drew has been fairly cranky lately (especially in the car) because of teething. His two front bottom teeth are coming in! They are so cute - but I just can't believe he's big enough to already have TEETH (plural!!). A 7-8 hour drive with him screaming and me not feeling 100% just doesn't sound fun. Anyways, I am sad that we will miss all my family.....but we WILL see them in a month at Christmas. That's what I keep telling myself b/c I am sad not to be there with them all.

Instead, Sam's family is coming to Fayetteville tomorrow morning and we are going to spend Thanksiving here together with Aunt Suz in NWA. And then hopefully my mom will be able to come to Fayetteville this weekend to visit us and we can get started on our Christmas shopping. So, we will still be surrounded by family.....and we don't have to travel. As much as I will miss being with my family, I am looking forward to a few relaxing days at home. It is really nice of Sam's parents to come here to spend Thanksgiving with us!

I am obviously behind on my posting - but hope the next few days will allow some time to update! I haven't been that great with photos lately, so I am going to get busy taking some this weekend!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Baby is 4 Months Old.

Can't believe my baby boy is 4 months old. My how time flies. It has been a FUN, FUN month with him. Everyday he does something new that amazes us - I can't believe how much he has changed in a month's time. This has by far been the funnest month with him. Everyone says its just going to get better - but I really can't imagine it being any better than it is now. He has definitely got mommy wrapped around his little fingers - with that sweet smile and big eyes. I don't know how I'll ever tell that boy 'NO' (I know I will....just can't imagine it now!). We feel so lucky and blessed that he came into our lives - he has brought us so much happiness and joy already, I can't imagine what the next months and years are going to bring. Happy 4-month birthday sweet boy. We love you!

Here's what Drew's like at 4-months old. Sorry for the laundry list, but I know it will help when doing his scrapbook.

-Weighs almost 18 pounds (17 pounds, 13 ounces). He's a big boy!

-He is officially teething!!! We can see his first tooth (on the bottom) poking through!

-Rolling over like crazy. He rolls over in his sleep every night now and for the most part sleeps on his stomach. We've tried to stop him, because it scares me a little for him to sleep on his tummy.....but we've failed at all our attempts. He is a persistent roller! Because of this we can't leave him anywhere unattended - not even for a second!

-Has become such a good little sleeper in his 3rd month. Right now he sleeps about 10 hours a night. This has been soooooooo nice!

-Laughing out loud - ALOT. He thinks mommy and daddy are really funny, especially when we play the 'getcha' game with him.

-Constant smiler. He smiles nearly everytime he sees mommy or daddy and every morning when he sees Angel.

-Loves his exersaucer. It will keep his attention for a LONG time (30 minutes plus).

-Stares at his hand and watches his fingers move. Its weird. He will do it for extended periods of time. Its like he's trying to figure out how he's making his fingers move.........

-Grasps for everything now - toys, burp clothes, mommy's hair, daddy's face, earrings, shirt - watch out!

-Starting to put EVERYTHING in his mouth. Drooling ALOT. Has to constantly wear a bib now. We've just figured out - its probably because he's teething!

-Loves to sit up like a big boy.

-Puts himself to sleep. We can lay him down in his bed awake and he will 1) either go to sleep immediately; or 2) lay there and talk/kick for a while and then fall asleep. I still like to rock him though. Its my favorite part of the night.

-Will take a pacifer now! This is a weird development because he wouldn't really take a pacifer until just recently. Angel bought him a new one (its for older babies - 6 months) and he LOVES it. I guess this is a good and bad thing.......

-Will lay in his crib watching his mobile forever.

-Baby Einstein fan.

-Loves 'razzing'.

-Enjoys tummy time now! Is lifting his head 90 degrees and moving his legs. He just can't get his round belly off the ground!!!!

-Very interested in what mommy, daddy, and cotton are doing - he just watches us. So cute.

-Loves riding in his stroller like a big boy. Trips to the mall and grocery store are much more enjoyable now for us too!

-Wearing 6-12 month clothes mostly - he's growing like a weed!

-Starting to try some solid foods - he has had rice, bananas, and apple sauce so far. He's not that impressed yet. Still prefers his bottle every 3 hours (6-8 ounces each time).

-Talking, talking, talking. I swear he has said ma-ma a couple of times.....maybe I'm imagining it. :) I can hear b, m, a, and g sounds when he talks. I think he's going to be a jabber jaws like his mommy.

I just feel like I'm leaving something out. If I remember, I will post later.
I haven't been able to take any pictures this week - we've been a sick, sick family. The tummy bug has gotten each of us.....not fun. I WILL take some pictures this weekend and post later. Hope everyone has a good weekend!

Friday, November 7, 2008


Sorry for the video quality - the lighting is TERRIBLE.
We're going to get our video camera out this weekend and try to get some REAL video.

Couple of Drew Pics.

Its been a busssssyyyy week.
I don't think I've worked this much or late since I was in the public accounting world. Yuck. But its almost over. Thankfully.
I haven't had a chance to take many pictures of our sweetie lately....but here are a couple....not very exciting ones.
I've also got a video that I'm going to post in a minute....its of Drew rolling over! He is becoming such a big boy.

Thanks to Mom and Suz for the help this past weekend/week. I'm exhausted and going to bed...........

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Loves his jumping exersaucer.

Drew loves his exersaucer that Aunt Katie and Aunt Lyndsy bought him! I can't believe how long it holds his attention. He will just play and look at all the different toys on the exersaucer! And he loves to bounce/jump in it! I will have to catch a video of him jumping sometime soon!

I've also snuck in a couple of pictures of Drew during tummy time. He is starting to like it more and more - which is exciting - because up until just recently he would scream bloody murder when we would put him on his stomach. I can't believe how strong he is getting - he is holding his head up to 90 degrees on his stomach now! So many changes in so little time! Our little guy is growing FAST!

Rolly Polly

Thursday night I woke up in the middle of the night and our little guy had ROLLED all the way over onto his stomach! It was the first time he has rolled completely over - he has made it to his side several times! What a milestone - so proud of Drew, but it makes me sad that he is growing so fast!

I woke Sam up to show him what Drew had done....and then I noticed that Drew looked REALLY still sleeping on his stomach....so I decided to nudge him. After the first, second, and third nudges he didn't move. It scared me to death - I'm pretty sure my heart stopped beating for a moment. I JUMPED out of bed and started yelling that he wasn't breathing - right then Sam was able to wake him. I can't believe how SOUND he was sleeping on his stomach. Drew didn't like that we woke him up from his deep sleep - so we were up feeding him a bottle at 3:00 am that morning to calm him down!

Happy Halloween!

Skunk pictures by Anne-Camille Collins of Capturing Moments Photography!

Happy Halloween! I hope you enjoy the pictures of our little skunky pumpkin! Drew had a great 1st Halloween! He got to come to mommy's work yesterday afternoon and trick-or-treat - I really enjoyed that! And then last night we took him to our neighbor's house, Chris and Jill, to trick-or-treat. Here are a couple of pics from yesterday. We didn't actually dress him up yesterday in his skunk costume....he doesn't like it very much! He was cute anyways in his Halloween outfit, hat and bib, though! He got lots of compliments on the pumpkin hat - thanks Nana!