Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sick of being sick.

We have been one sick house the past few weeks. That darn tummy bug has had us all down and out. Drew caught it at Angel's house first, then Sam got it, then I got it, then Drew got it again. Then we thought we were in the clear and I caught it again Saturday evening on our trip home from Mtn. Home. Uggggghhhhh, we are sick of being sick to say the least. I quarantined myself from Sam and Drew while sick and hope that neither of them catch it again. So far so good, but we are still so worn down from being sick!

As a result, our Thanksgiving plans have changed. :(
We had planned to travel to Bloomfield, MO to visit my parent's families, but we just don't have the energy and we don't want to take the bug to my grandmothers. Plus, Drew has been fairly cranky lately (especially in the car) because of teething. His two front bottom teeth are coming in! They are so cute - but I just can't believe he's big enough to already have TEETH (plural!!). A 7-8 hour drive with him screaming and me not feeling 100% just doesn't sound fun. Anyways, I am sad that we will miss all my family.....but we WILL see them in a month at Christmas. That's what I keep telling myself b/c I am sad not to be there with them all.

Instead, Sam's family is coming to Fayetteville tomorrow morning and we are going to spend Thanksiving here together with Aunt Suz in NWA. And then hopefully my mom will be able to come to Fayetteville this weekend to visit us and we can get started on our Christmas shopping. So, we will still be surrounded by family.....and we don't have to travel. As much as I will miss being with my family, I am looking forward to a few relaxing days at home. It is really nice of Sam's parents to come here to spend Thanksgiving with us!

I am obviously behind on my posting - but hope the next few days will allow some time to update! I haven't been that great with photos lately, so I am going to get busy taking some this weekend!

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