Monday, September 29, 2008

The sweetest smile.....

Last Tuesday when I went to pick up Drew from Angel's house, when he saw my face, he smiled really big! It was the first time that he has shown emotion/excitement when I have picked him up from the babysitter! It was sooooooooooo sweet and melted my heart. Thought it was an important milestone and wanted to share. :)

Poor Baby.

Sleep, sleep, sleep and more sleep. That's all Drew did this weekend. Poor baby didn't feel well beginning Saturday morning. He was congested - you could hear it in his little nose (it has never been runny though) and he had a little cough. He was running a slight fever Saturday and Sunday, and then still had one this morning, so we decided to take him to the doctor. We knew they probably couldn't do anything about his congestion - just something that will have to work itself out on its own, but wanted to make sure that we are doing everything we should be. What do we learn??? He also has a DOUBLE ear infection. Poor baby can't seem to get a break. So he's on antibiotics to help clear up the ear infections. Sam is home taking care of him today. I hope that he eats better today than he has in the past 2 days - poor boy hasn't had an appetite. He had no fever today at the doctor's office, but we are keeping a close eye on it. Dr. said he should be fine to go back to Angel's house tomorrow - ear infections are not contagious. And...he said that if I kept him home because of a runny nose in the fall/winter/spring time that he would probably never be able to go to Angel's house. Seriously, I am going to count how many times we have been to the doctor's office/hospital this year. Its just getting a little ridiculous!

Now, I think I'm coming down with something....I've got a doctor's appointment this afternoon. Poor Sam is going to be taking care of me and Drew. Be thinking of him. :) He just got over being sick too.

Oh, also....guess how much Drew weighs now??? You will never believe it! 15 pounds and 13 ounces. What a WHOPPER!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Drew a talkin'

Here is a video of Drew talking to Mommy Saturday morning! He's 11-weeks old today and already a jabber jaws! Sorry the video is so long - he just started talking and kept going, and I couldn't stop recording! I'm not technology savvy enough to know how to edit the video! Give me some slack, its my first video experience. :)

Our Lil' Razorback.

This morning when we were getting Drew dressed, I realized that he has already outgrown all of his Razorback outfits! Nana just bought him a Razorback onsie a few weeks ago - I can't believe how fast Drew is growing! Anyways, I was insistent that Drew was going to be sporting something Razorback today to cheer on the Hogs as they play Texas. The only Razorback item that he owns now is a jersey that was passed down from Evie to Drew. It is still big for Drew - it almost looks like it could be a dress on him - but we put it on him anyways. He wore it for a while, until he started getting a little fussy. Poor boy hasn't been feeling well. It started with a stopped up nose and a little cough - pretty sure that Daddy gave it to him this week - and then he has been running a slight fever since last night. He's been sleeping alot today, so we are hoping that will help him to feel better soon! We are enjoying this weekend of doing NOTHING. I might not even leave the house this weekend except to go to the grocery store. Just enjoying time with Drew and Sam, and of course, we are watching every football game on TV. Hope everyone is having a great Saturday! Enjoy the pictures!

Lil' Razorback Fan

I'm a Cardinal's fan too! Outfit courtesy of Grandma Ross!

Aunt Suz's Birthday.

We had a lil' birthday party for Aunt Suz at our house on Tuesday night - we are so glad she is back close to us so that we can get together for special occasions like these! We ordered yummy Guido's pizza and then had delicious birthday ice cream cake from Cold Stone Creamery!! Then just sat around and loved on Drew! Drew sure does love his Aunt Suz! Sorry for being so delayed on this post; meant to get to it earlier in the week, but it just never happened! Hope you had a great birthday, Suz! We love you!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Wonderful, Perfect Weekend.

The house isn't clean, my diet didn't go well this weekend, I didn't get half the stuff done that I needed to.....but it was a wonderful, perfect weekend. Instead, I spent lots of quality time with Drew and my family! I'm learning (slowly) to not worry so much with the day-to-day unimportant tasks. Its OK if my house isn't clean tonight.

I'm sad its Sunday though.....that means work, and no baby Drew tomorrow.

But, I do have to say, that this weekend was great! Sam and I had planned to go to the AR/AL game and tailgate afterwards with friends on Saturday. Sam's wonderful aunt, Joyce, sent us their tickets to the game b/c they couldn't attend. THANK YOU! But, after my first day back to work on Monday, I had made up my mind.....I couldn't spend Saturday away from my Drew, which meant no football game for me. So, I called my bro....he agreed to go to the game with Sam (don't think we had to twist his arm very hard). Mom had already planned (its been on her calendar for a month) to come babysit Drew, so that we could attend the Razorback festivities. Jason hitched a ride with Mom, and him and Sam went to the game and tailgated. Mom, me & Drew got to hang out all day and shopped. Drew did great being out and about with us all day.

One of the best parts of the weekend was the two nights of amazing sleep that we got! Nana took care of Drew both Friday and Saturday night! I feel GREAT now - but I'm afraid Mom is probably a little sleepy. Drew was up quite a bit both nights. Saturday night we just vegged in at the house and ordered in yummy Guido's pizza!

THANK YOU MOM FOR A FUN, RELAXING, SLEEP FILLED WEEKEND. I LOVE YOU! I have always loved and appreciated my mom, but I swear that having a child of my own makes me love and appreciate my mom a million times more. I just don't know how to explain it! I miss her already and she just left this morning! :)

Today, I have spent most of the day just lovin' on my boy. Sam went to school for several hours. Drew and I cuddled and took at nap. Best 2 and a half hours of my day. All I have wanted to do this wkend was hold him. Then it was grocery shopping, dishes, and laundry.

I am going to miss my little munchkin so bad again tomorrow - I can already feel it. Work is good though - I am glad to be back. And I am busy as heck gearing up for our year-end and 10-K that makes the day go fast. I really can't believe I've already made it through my first week back! Here's to week 2!

Here are a few pics from this wkend. Drew is getting so BIG and he is becoming the absolute sweetest, content, lovable little boy. I just want to SQUEEZE him, kiss him, love on him constantly. I think he's becoming a mommy's boy too......just ask Sam. I don't mind it too much. :)

Hope everyone has a great Monday!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Hayden turns TWO!

It is unbelievable to me how fast the past two years have flown by. It seems like just yesterday, we were meeting baby Hayden for the first time. It seems like just yesterday, he couldn't say my name. It seems like just yesterday, everyone was fighting over who wanted to hold him. I'm a little sad that he isn't a baby anymore -the baby stage seemed to pass so quickly - but he has become such a fun, smart, silly, loveable little toddler! And you can't believe some of the things that come out of his little mouth! He is soooooooo smart for a 2-year old and I refuse to believe that I am a biased auntie.

Hayden's birthday party was Sponge Bob themed (he loves the yellow guy) and held last Sunday at my parent's house. It had originally been planned to be at Cooper Park, but that was before Ike's arrival. It did end up being sunny on that Sunday, but everything was still so wet outside.

Here are some pictures of my precious nephew during his birthday party weekend!

Birthday Boy!

Hayden waiting to blow out his candles while we sang Happy Birthday to him! PawPaul played the Happy Birthday song on the guitar for him and he LOVED it!

Blowing out the candles..........

Ouch! My lip hurts! Hayden got a little too close to the flames when he was blowing out the candles! Guess it really was his first time to blow out candles - last year we had to help him out!

Hayden & Daddy

Nana, PawPaul and their 2 boys.

Cousins - Hayden checking out Drew.

Hayden playing with the John Deere wheelbarrow from Aunt Je-Je and Uncle Sam.

Hayden riding his tractor from Nana & PawPaul

Hayden enjoying the Razorback cupcake that Aunt Je-Je brought him from Rick's Bakery!

PawPaul and his boys! I love these pictures of the three of them!

Love this one of all 3 boys smiling!

Drew and his PawPaul - see Drew's smile!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A Couple of Pics from our MH Weekend.

Here are some pictures - outside of Hayden's birthday party - from our weekend in Mtn. Home. I will post pictures from Hayden's birthday party sometime this week (of course, I have quite a few pictures, so I need to sort through them!)

Great Grandma Duggins & Drew

Grandma Viv & Drew - he has a sweet smile in this picture.

Okay, so all these pictures of Drew look the same. I just couldn't pick which one to post - so I posted several. All his different faces and poses are just too cute - but then again I am his mommy. This outfit is significant because it was the first time that he has worn jeans. He looked like such a big boy in them!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Back at Work.

Mommy & Drew before I left for work.

Angel & Drew - she already thinks I'm crazy with my picture taking!

The day wasn't completely terrible.
It went by FAST. I was really busy with work. Not only catching up on stuff since I've been gone but also on new, current stuff. Thanks for everyone who checked on me today - it meant alot.
Drew was fussing when I took him into Angel's house in the morning, but as soon as she picked him up out of his carseat - he stopped. I can tell that he really takes to her. That makes me feel really good. I think she loves him too already. I don't worry about him being there at all or if she will take good care of him - I know she will. I just miss him lots. Okay, well I think I did call her 6 or 7 times today, but it was just because I was curious to hear what Drew was up to. I think I stared at his pictures at work all day.
Sam picked him up when he got out of class and brought him home. As soon as the clock hit 5 o'clock, I was out the door and on my way home. Drew was waiting on me and Sam let me finish feeding him when I walked in the door. I had to get my arms around that boy and give him some lovin' ASAP.
I haven't wanted to put him down since I got home - I have just felt like holding him. Lucky for me, Sam was busy studying and watching the Cowboys and let me get my Drew fix.
I think the second day back at work will be much harder - because I only got to see him awake for 5 or 6 hours today. Weird, but I'm actually looking forward to getting up with him during the night tonight just so I can hold him. Tonight will probably be the night he sleeps through the night knowing my luck! I guess I would take that though.
I'll keep you posted on how the week goes, but I'm so glad we all made it through Day 1!
BTW - Drew was not cooperating with the pictures this morning. We could not get him to look at the camera. Oh well.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Happy 2-Month Birthday Drew!!!

Drew on his 2-Month Birthday - September 12, 2008

Wow! It's hard to believe our little Drew is 2 months old (September 12, 2008). It seems like he was born forever ago because so much has happened since his birth, but at the same time I find it hard to believe he has grown so fast and is already 2-months old. We are amazed at how he is changing and growing each day. He is developing such a big personality for such a little guy! Well, I guess he's not really a 'little guy'......I'm pretty sure that he is pushing 14 pounds on his 2-month birthday because just Monday he weighed 13 pounds 12 ounces! He is a REALLY BIG boy for a 2-month old. According to the doctor, he looks more like a 4-month old than a 2-month old!

Here are some of the things that our little man is doing at 2-months old:
-SMILING, alot! He LOVES it when we make silly faces and sounds and when we stick our tongues out at him! If fact, he is beginning to mock us and stick his tongue out too!
-Laughing - not all the time, but every once in a while we will catch him chuckling at us - it is the sweetest sound ever.
-Cooing - He is talking to us alot now, especially when we talk to him. So sweet. He talks alot in the mornings and Sam can really get him going!
-He is obsessed with looking at fans. He always manages to find one to stare at regardless of where we are.
-Fights sleep - he flat out refuses to go to sleep most times. He will be obviously tired - his eyes will be really red and he will rub them - but he will not settle down. That's when we swaddle him and turn the hair dryer on. Yes, he LOVES the hair dryer! We have decided that is how we will heat our house this winter. There are some nights we literally sleep with the hair dryer on all night. Oh well, whatever does the trick.
-He is a WIGGLE WORM - he is always kicking his legs and swinging his arms around. He accidentally hits himself in the face with his hands and it makes him mad, which is the main reason we have to swaddle him to sleep - he wakes himself up hitting himself if he's not swaddled.
-Loves playing with his hands. Its so cute - he rubs them together and grasps them. He's also starting to grab for other things - such as our shirts and my hair when we're holding him.
-He's completely recovered from his surgery that he had at 6-weeks old and now typically eats 6 ounces every 3-4 hours. He is sure one hungry boy!
-As far as night time goes, he normally goes to bed between 8-9 pm, gets up one or two times at night, and then rises religiously at 5 am. He definitely gets his early morning rising from the Haneys, not from the Marions! :) I'm ready for him to sleep in until 7 am!
-He LOVES his swing. He could stay in it all day if we would let him - he will stare at himself in the swing mirror forever! He really likes looking at himself in mirrors - he knows he's cute!
-He's beginning to have a little temper. When he gets mad - watch out. Mommy put him on his tummy the other night (for some much needed tummy time) and he DIDN'T like it. He started with light crying and then it escalated....into a fit that took us nearly an hour to resolve. We have decided to give him tummy time sparingly now.....especially right before bed time!
-He takes to both mommy and daddy really well.....but seems to cling to mommy for comfort. I don't mind that too much! :) He really likes mommy to hold him and rock him to sleep. But, don't get me wrong, there are ALOT of times that he only wants daddy! Daddy is SO good with Drew!
-He is just about to grab his feet with his hands when lying on his changing table. I can't wait for him to do that! It is so cute watching him try!
-Is beginning to like baths a little more - he is fairly content taking them, but I'm not sure that he necessarily likes them!
-Still doesn't like having his clothes changed!
-Pretty much only has fussy time when he's tired or hungry. He gets really cranky when he's tired. This is a BIG difference from how he was during his first month.
-He sleeps in the pack-and-play in our bedroom and likes it okay....we aren't convinced that he loves it. We hope to be ready to move him to his crib within the next month.
-Holding his head up really steady. His neck muscles sure are strong!

Well, I'm sure that I could think of a TON more to write about and I'm sure there is something that I've left out - but this is becoming a LONG post!

We are really proud of everything that our little Drew has overcome during his 2nd month. He is one strong and courageous boy and we love him to pieces!!!!! He are so thankful and blessed to have such a happy and more importantly, a healthy baby boy.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Daddy's Luck.

So last night was Sam's night to get up with Drew. And guess what?!? He slept from 7:00 pm to 1:00 am (and he hadn't eaten since 5:30 pm) - and Sam woke him up at 1:00 am because he said he felt bad, like we were starving the poor boy!! Then he ate, went back to sleep and was up at his normal time of 5:00 am. Now that is Daddy's luck! The night before, Drew was up MULTIPLE times with Mommy! Now if we can just shift his hours a little and have Drew sleep from like 8:00 pm to 5:00 am. That would be PERFECT! I think he is getting really close to sleeping through the night....keeping my fingers crossed.

I think I'm FINALLY caught up with blogging all my recent Drew pictures. I'm sure there will be more to post after this weekend in MH and Hayden's birthday party. We are looking forward to getting out of here for the weekend and seeing family.

I'm off to get my hair done - its been MONTHS since I've had it cut! Then to pick up Drew at Angel's house. He is doing great there this week, but I sure do miss him. It has been nice to get a few things done this week though. Think we are hanging with Sarah and Addie this maybe I will take some pics of them together!

Hope everyone has a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Bath Time Again.

Okay, so I'm obsessed with bath time. Drew is so stinking cute when he is taking a bath. He stares at himself in the bathroom mirror and just smiles. He just makes the sweetest little faces and does the cutest things with his hands. So precious. I seem to take pictures of Drew nearly every time he takes a bath. He's going to love me someday. :)

Some more sweet Drew pics.

Sweet face - love these PJ's (thanks Laura!)
Play time on the floor.
Looking at Daddy.
Aunt Suz & Drew
Thanks for the outfit Whitney & Corey!
Drew in his bumbo - he'll be sitting up in this really good before too long!
Happy boy with a really sweet smile that melts our hearts!
Looking at Daddy - I love this picture of Drew (minus the granola bar wrapper in the pic).