Saturday, March 28, 2009

MH Visit.

Last weekend we went to MH to visit with family! My Aunt Peggy and Uncle Brent were in town and Sam's Aunt Jeanie was also visiting!

Aunt Jeanie had never met Drew - so we got to introduce him to her. And Aunt Peg hadn't seen Drew since Christmas - so she was really excited to see him and how much he has changed. Sam's Uncle Doyce also stopped by to meet Drew. Drew was so intrigued by him - he was wearing a cowboy hat and work boots. Like Sam said, he looked like a 'real' cowboy and Drew loved it! It was so cute!

We had a wonderful weekend visiting with family, but like always it went by to quickly.

Here are a few pictures from our weekend. I won't re-post the ones of Drew and Hayden (even though I want to because they are SO cute).

Drew pulling up to the coffee table.

Aunt Peggy and the boys - they were dancing while PawPaul put on a concert with his guitar. It was so cute watching them dance together!

Great Grandma Duggins and Drew - She put him in a trance rubbing his face.

Aunt Jeanie & Drew!

Grandpa and Drew - so sweet! Drew was so tired, he fell asleep sitting in Grandpa's lap!

Aunt Jeanie & Drew

The Haney's - Doyce, Jeanie & Benny

Grandpa playing with Drew. He bought him this ball and Drew was absolutely fascinated with it.

The Haney Boys - Uncle Doyce, Drew, Sam, and Grandpa

Uncle Doyce and Drew - Drew wearing a 'real' cowboy hat!

Nana and Drew sharing a sweet moment.

Aunt Peg and her two favorite little boys - Drew and Hayden!

Happy Boy.

More recent pictures of our happy, happy (most of the time) boy.

Sunday visit with Grandma & Grandpa.

A couple Sundays ago. Grandma & Grandpa Haney like to come visit Drew on Sundays. Drew loves seeing them walk through our door! He is going to be one spoiled little boy! Here are some pictures from their most recent visit.

Drew was getting over a cold - so his eyes look really congested in some of the pictures. Poor boy!

Grandma & Grandpa with Drew - Do you think they like him?

Grandpa & Drew - Grandpa is always letting Drew do things that mommy won't let him - like eat the newspaper!

Drew at AQ Chicken - sitting in a high chair like a big boy eating his yummies

Drew in the car on the way to AQ Chicken

My sweet 8-month old.

So. I'm a little behind on my posts. But I figured it would be better to do his 8-month post late than never. Since I missed his 7-month post....

This past month with Drew has been one word - FUN! Drew is full of SO much personality now - every moment with him is entertaining. He takes everything in that is around him and seems to learn and change so much with each passing day. It makes me sad to miss a minute with him. We love, love, love, love our sweet baby Drew. He is growing too fast.

Here is what Drew is like at 8-months:
-loves to dance.
-loves American Idol - really loves anything with music.
-loves playing - his favorite toys are his learning table, Little People tractor and basketball goal.
-loves to clap.
-loves to say da-da, ba-ba, and dog. still working on ma-ma (he is NOW saying ma-ma but wasn't at 8-months - yay!!!!).
-does not like to be rocked to sleep anymore - now likes to be laid in his crib so he can put himself to sleep. makes me sad. :(
-wants absolutely nothing to do with a pacifier.
-typically sleeps from 8:00 pm to 6:30 am.
-not a consistent good nap taker. some days he will nap for hours, then some days only for 30 minutes.
-loves eating the little Gerber finger foods.
-he is so ticklish...but he likes it...he will giggle until he almost can’t giggle anymore.
-lots of smiles and laughs. his laugh is the sweetest sound in the world.
-rolls everywhere and he is super fast. doesn’t try to crawl. he gets to anything he wants by rolling.
-loves playing with other little kids.
-likes to squeal. probably because he is mainly around little girls who also squeal.
-loves going out and about around town. he almost gets whiplash from turning his head to look at everything. sits in the cart like a big boy!
-loves being outside!!! cries when you bring him inside lots of time.
-loves his walker. still likes his jumper some. but really loves playing on the floor.
-loves trying to touch cotton and giggles at everything he does.
-likes wearing hats.
-eats 4-5 bottles a day (for around 30 ounces) and eats baby food/cereal in the morning/at lunch/and in the evening. he eats baby food better for mommy. he thinks daddy is trying to play with him.
-LOVES being in the bath. pretty sure its his favorite place. its where he talks and smiles the most.
-loves being the center of attention. he gets upset when you leave the room or aren’t paying attention to him. we’re having a hard time with this at Angel’s house right now.
-gets so excited when you pick him up from angel’s. And if you don’t hold him fast enough when you get there, he will throw a fit.
-speaking of fits, he throws them now when he doesn’t get his way. little stinker.
-can hold his own bottle now, but typically doesn’t like to at night. he wants your help.
-knows and responds to his name.
-puts everything in his mouth.
-has 8 teeth.
-gets continuous ear infections (even with tubes) and colds. not a good medicine taker – but I don’t blame him. poor boy has had to take too many medicines.
-loves his cousin Hayden. they are so cute playing together!
-wants to pull up and hold onto the couch. loves to stand and try to walk.
-does not like getting his clothes changed. i’m so ready for him to get over this!
-he is fascinated with shoes and feet

Mommy bought this balloon for Drew - and he is obsessed. We would have to PRY it from his hands when it was time to eat or for a diaper change. A well spent $2.00!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009