Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Drew's 2-week doctor appt

We took Drew to the doctor this morning for his 2-week (17 days actually) doctor appointment and learned that he now weighs 10 lbs 8 ounces. Yes, you heard me right! He is growing like a weed....and definitely doesn't look like a 2-week old....he's a BIG boy! He is also 22 inches long now and his head measures 15 inches. I could tell that he had been growing over the past 12 days (since his last weigh in at the doctor), but had no idea he had grown this much! I'll try to post a picture or two later!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Drew's Newborn Pictures by Anne-Camille

Drew had his newborn pictures (2-weeks old) taken at my parent's house in Mtn. Home on Saturday morning by Anne-Camille Collins (Capturing Moments Photography). I have a link to her photography blog on this page - I'm not smart enough to figure out how to hyperlink!

I was SO worried about how Drew would be in the pictures - he was a little on the fussy side Saturday morning. But it turns out he was a PERFECT little baby for the pictures! I think he only fussed one time! She got some GREAT pictures of him - here are a few below. I can't wait to see the rest!!!!! Isn't he absolutely precious!?!

We just got home from Mtn. Home - Drew's first road trip. We were a little ambitious to take a road trip w/ him at 2-weeks old. It was alot harder and stressful than we had thought it would be! We got to spend a lot of time with family though and were able to introduce Drew to quite a few of our family and friends. I have lots of pictures that I will try to post either later tonight or tomorrow. WE ARE GLAD TO BE HOME!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Drew's 1st Road Trip

As mentioned, we took Drew's first road-trip this weekend to Mountain Home! We had a great time seeing family and friends and I of course took quite a few pictures. Here are some of my favorites from the trip (warning - i have posted ALOT of pictures!). We are back home now and ready to get back into our little routine! Hope everyone had a great wkend!

Drew ready to go on his first road trip to MH!

Drew ready to head back to Fayetteville!

Daddy & Drew - exhausted from the wkend!!!! Love this picture!

On the way home to Fayetteville!

My little studmuffin! Thank for the outfit Aunt Katie!

The Marion clan and Drew

Uncle Jason & Drew

Great Grandma Duggins & Drew

Great Grandma Duggins, Sam & Drew

Grandma Haney and Drew

Drew taking a bath!

Me and my sweet Hayden!

Nana and Hayden

Look at Drew's BIG feet!

PawPaul and Hayden

Love these pictures of Hayden licking the cookie batter bowl!!!

Daddy and Hayden

Hayden meeting cousin Drew for the first time!

Sweet Drew!!!

Kara, Eston, Whitney & Drew

Corey, Whitney & Drew!

Drew hanging with Nana

Nana, PawPaul & Drew

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


After 10 days of staying with us, my Mom left to go back to Mtn. Home this evening. I'm sure my Dad and brother will be so glad to have her back, but we were SO sad to see her leave. I of course boo-hooed like a baby! She has been so much help; I don't know how we would have done half of it without her here. I really enjoyed getting to spend this much time with her - I can't remember the last time I got to spend 10 consectutive days with her. I know that Sam and I can do this by ourselves, but its been so nice to have the extra help. We miss you already Mom! Thanks again for EVERYTHING. We love you and will see you soon!


Lyndsy, Cory, Cali and Evie came to visit baby Drew this afternoon. I got a couple of cute shots!

Lyndsy, Cali & Drew

Cali & Drew

We've been busy!!!

Sorry for the delay in posting, but we've been really busy!

Drew is doing GREAT. We changed his formula and his bottles and within a day his gas/fussiness was GONE. Of course, we have had some pretty long nights, but overall he is starting to be on a pretty good schedule - eating every 2 and a half to three hours. He is starting to be awake more and is definitely more alert. He is a real sweetie!

I went back to the doctor yesterday and it looks like my incision is healing GREAT. I was really glad to hear that news! I have been up and around alot more and am almost feeling back to normal - although I know I still have a little ways to go. On the downside, my blood pressure was alarmingly high (144/100) and I got put on blood pressure medicine. I still can't get my arms around how high my reading was; when I left the hospital it was in a completely normal range (granted I had a lot of medicine in my system). Sam took me to Walmart this morning to check my blood pressure and it was already in a normal range (I'm assuming due to the medication) of 120 something/70 something. We are going to go back this afternoon to re-check it.......and depending on how it is we may let my Mom go home! My Mom and Sam have been UNBELIEVABLE. I don't know how I would be doing any of this without them. I am very LUCKY - Sam is such a great husband and is already an amazing daddy. I knew that he would be a wonderful dad, but to see how he is with Drew just melts my heart!

Here are a few pictures of Drew from the past couple of days.

Drew in his bouncy seat - this has been a LIFE SAVER! He loves his bouncy seat - thanks Tracy & John! We are forever indebted to you!

Drew sleeping in his secure sleeper - something we got a few days ago and he loves sleeping in it! Its great b/c we can just move it from room to room!

Drew staring at his Cardinal bear that Cousin Kelley got him!

Drew hanging out in his swing! So precious!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Like Father, Like Son............

Sam in his take home outfit coming home from the hospital in 1977

Drew in Sam's take home outfit on 7.19.08 (7 days old)

Friday, July 18, 2008

Visit from Grandpa Haney

Drew got a visit today from his Grandpa Haney! Grandma Haney was supposed to come too, but she was feeling a little under the weather. We hope she feels better soon so she can come visit us! Sam and Grandpa watched Drew for a couple of hours, so that Mom and I could get out of the house and run a couple of errands. It was my first trip anywhere since last Friday; it was so nice to get some fresh air and sunshine. We made a quick trip to Bella Jacks and Target. At Target, I got to drive the motorized cart around so I didn't have to walk the store; it was fun! Sam and Grandpa did great with Drew! I really missed my little Drew while we were out though, and was glad to get home to him!

I have been feeling MUCH better. I'm still taking a little medicine for the pain, but I am getting around alot easier. I go back to the doctor on Monday for her to make sure that everything is healing properly.

Drew has started having really bad gas pains the past two days. We have been trying different things to control it and to help him feel better. It is such a helpless feeling when he is crying, we don't know why and we don't know how to make him feel better. I had colic as a baby, so we are wondering if he might have the same. Mom has been a great help to us since she went through it with me.

Anyways, here are today's pictures. Drew is 5 days old!

Drew with Grandpa Haney

Our little Razorback

Drew, Daddy, & Grandpa Haney

First day in my bouncy seat

Like Grandpa,

like grandson