Friday, July 11, 2008

What a Day!

I am emotionally exhausted!

Its been a LONG day. We went in for my doctor appointment at 10:30 am expecting to schedule a date to be induced......instead we ended up in the triage in the hospital (with no air conditioning - there was a power surge) for several hours.....and then were sent home. My blood pressure was high (160/90) at my doctor appointment, which alarmed the doctor enough to send us down to the hospital for lab tests and to be hooked up to the fetal monitor. When we first saw the doctor today I told him that I was really excited to set our date to be induced -and he replied "it looks like you might be having a baby TODAY". Well, we didn't have a baby today....and we STILL don't know when its going to happen. All of my lab tests came back fine and Drew's heart rate and movement was great, so they let us go home. We go back Monday at 1:15 to see my primary doctor and WE WILL MAKE PLANS THEN. Sam and I were kind of bummed today because we thought we were FINALLY going to meet our little Drew.

The other news is that I haven't progressed anymore since my last appointment (still dilated to a 2 and 70% effaced). The doctor seems to think that due to my small pelvic structure and the size of Drew that I could likely be in labor for 2 days and still not be able to have Drew normally. This means its likely that I will have to have a c-section. This was NEW news to us......and will get another opinion on Monday. I was REALLY upset when I first heard this, but we learned all about c-sections in our childbirth class.....and they really aren't all that terrible these days. If that's how Drew has to arrive into the world....and that's best for me and him.....then it will all be okay. I'm really trying to stay positive about this....and not be a baby....since I'm TERRIFIED of needles, cutting, and blood!

To sum it all up, we still don't know what's going to happen (which of course is driving me crazy - because I am one of those people how likes to have things planned and scheduled!!!). It seems like every appointment we think we are going to get some clarity - and then we are even more confused when we leave! Hopefully, when we see the doctor Monday we will establish a plan for next week. My doctor is on-call on next Tuesday, so my gut tells me that she will either schedule me to be induced or for a c-section on that day.

On the upside, I was SO excited today to get the new iphone.....well I don't actually have it will be here in 7 days or so!!!!

Also, although Sam and I were bummed not to deliver Drew today, we get to keep our 6:30 pm dinner reservations tonight at Bordino's. I'm really looking forward to a yummy dinner tonight with my hubby! Until then, we are just relaxing at home!

Pllllleeeaaaassseeee pray for us and for good news at our doctor appointment on Monday!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Elizabeth Cheek said...

we'll be a praying!esc

The Jensen's said...

Julie, I know what you are going through. I was induced 10 days late with both my babes!!!!!!!! Nightmare, but hang in there. The good news is that one day it has to be over and you will be holding your little man.