Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Drew's 2-week doctor appt

We took Drew to the doctor this morning for his 2-week (17 days actually) doctor appointment and learned that he now weighs 10 lbs 8 ounces. Yes, you heard me right! He is growing like a weed....and definitely doesn't look like a 2-week old....he's a BIG boy! He is also 22 inches long now and his head measures 15 inches. I could tell that he had been growing over the past 12 days (since his last weigh in at the doctor), but had no idea he had grown this much! I'll try to post a picture or two later!

1 comment:

The Jensen's said...

Hey, Drew is too cute for words! I am coming to my parents on the
16-22 of Aug. If you are going to be in Mtn. Home lets get the kiddos together.