Thursday, July 3, 2008

Making Progress..........

According to our 20-week ultrasound, I am 39 weeks 2 days today......according to my original due date set at 6-weeks, I am 38 weeks 2 days today. Can't believe we are really nearing the end!

At our doctor appointment today, we learned that I am now dilated to 2 cm and 70% effaced. Also, Drew has dropped even lower than he was before! Yay!

Other highlights of our appointment: my blood pressure was still high - the top number dropped when they checked it a 2nd time, but the bottom number remained high, no real weight gain (yippee), no protein in my urine, and Drew's heartbeat sounded great. Overall the appointment was positive.

We now go back next Tuesday and see my 'real' doctor. The doctor today said that he thought my blood pressure would cause us not to reach our due date of the 15th. He also said that there was no way they would let me go past this due date. All good news....because we go back on July 8th....and that SHOULD be my last dr. appointment before Drew arrives. If I make it until Tuesday, I would be shocked if a date is not set for me to be induced.

I'm still not supoosed to be walking - although I did talk the dr. into saying its okay for me to walk after dark or early in the morning when its VERY cool. He said NO powerwalking or pushing myself.

We just got back from eating at Penguin Ed's - my boss swears that their cheesy tators helped his wife go into labor - so of course I had to try them! They were yummy and I'm hoping that they will do the trick to start labor SOON!

We don't have much planned this weekend - Katie and Chris invited us over for dinner tomorrow night to hang out - so I am looking forward to getting out of the house for a little while. I've done a little scrapbooking since I've been home, but more than anything have really just been trying to relax.

Sam's parents stopped by today - they came over to pick Suz up from the airport. She is in for 10 days or so and is hoping that Drew is born while she is here (I am hoping so too!).

Anyways, that's about it. Hope everyone has a wonderful 4th!!!!

1 comment:

Catherine said...

Great to get an update today, and so glad that you are making progress! I hope you have another restful weekend and I look forward to seeing/hearing the good news next week!