Tuesday, July 22, 2008

We've been busy!!!

Sorry for the delay in posting, but we've been really busy!

Drew is doing GREAT. We changed his formula and his bottles and within a day his gas/fussiness was GONE. Of course, we have had some pretty long nights, but overall he is starting to be on a pretty good schedule - eating every 2 and a half to three hours. He is starting to be awake more and is definitely more alert. He is a real sweetie!

I went back to the doctor yesterday and it looks like my incision is healing GREAT. I was really glad to hear that news! I have been up and around alot more and am almost feeling back to normal - although I know I still have a little ways to go. On the downside, my blood pressure was alarmingly high (144/100) and I got put on blood pressure medicine. I still can't get my arms around how high my reading was; when I left the hospital it was in a completely normal range (granted I had a lot of medicine in my system). Sam took me to Walmart this morning to check my blood pressure and it was already in a normal range (I'm assuming due to the medication) of 120 something/70 something. We are going to go back this afternoon to re-check it.......and depending on how it is we may let my Mom go home! My Mom and Sam have been UNBELIEVABLE. I don't know how I would be doing any of this without them. I am very LUCKY - Sam is such a great husband and is already an amazing daddy. I knew that he would be a wonderful dad, but to see how he is with Drew just melts my heart!

Here are a few pictures of Drew from the past couple of days.

Drew in his bouncy seat - this has been a LIFE SAVER! He loves his bouncy seat - thanks Tracy & John! We are forever indebted to you!

Drew sleeping in his secure sleeper - something we got a few days ago and he loves sleeping in it! Its great b/c we can just move it from room to room!

Drew staring at his Cardinal bear that Cousin Kelley got him!

Drew hanging out in his swing! So precious!

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