Monday, June 30, 2008

Good news and bad news.......

Well, there is good news and bad news....first for the good news.

All the rest and relaxation from this past weekend helped my body tremendously! At my doctor appointment this afternoon, my blood pressure was in a much better range, I had NO swelling (first time in a long time), there was no protein in my urine (big relief), and I lost the 5 pounds of fluid that I had gained at my last appointment (definitely a plus!). Drew's heartbeat was great too - in the 150 range.

Now for the bad news......

The bad news is that she didn't schedule me to be induced like I was hoping b/c I was in much better shape today. She wants to see me every 2-3 days now, at which time she can evaluate how I am doing and whether we need to induce. She said that every 2-3 days that we can keep Drew brewing in my belly will really help his lungs. I'm glad they are being cautious with both of our health, but I am SO ready to have Drew! The other news is that she said NO more work for me......I am to be on 'house rest.' She said that I don't have to be as strict as I was this wkend, but that 90% of the time I should be at home on the couch or in bed with my feet elevated. No walking still either.....don't quite understand how I am supposed to dilate without walking....which is VERY frustrating to me. Sam and I both left the appointment a little disappointed b/c we just knew for sure that she was going to schedule us to be induced this wkend. Oh well......

I guess the other good news is that Sam will get to finish his summer school class......unless I go into labor on my own before Thursday. I'm very glad that I am doing better......but am also so ready for Drew to be here. And I don't know what I will do if I have to be on bed rest at home for 2 MORE weeks. I think I might go crazy!!!!!

Anyways, that's the news. We go back Thursday at 2:30 I'll post again then for sure. In the meantime, I'll try to post a new picture of the very pregnant me.

Friday, June 27, 2008

38-week appointment doesn't look like its going to be very much longer until Baby Drew arrives. This may be our last weekend with it being just me and Sam. Nothing changed this week as far as dilation/effacement goes, but the dr. thinks I am on the verge of developing preclampsia (combination of high blood pressure, weight gain (retaining fluid), swelling and a trace of protein in my urine). I have been ordered not to leave the house this weekend and to just relax. I am not even allowed to walk, which I was very suprised about. We go back to the dr. on Monday afternoon and I have a feeling that at that point they will schedule me to be induced. The dr. said that we will have a baby next week....very exciting, but also scary! I have been an emotional mess this afternoon. Not sure what I'm going to do all weekend, seeing as how I'm not very good at relaxing, but I guess I will catch up on some reading, address Drew's birth announcement envelopes, watch some movies, and maybe scrapbook in bed a little. I am very excited - I can't believe that at this time next week I will likely be holding my precious Drew in my arms! We were hoping for Sam to get through his class next week (his final is Thursday), but aren't sure if that will happen now - oh well, the professor said that he would definitely work with him and let him take the final at a later date. Anyways, that's about all I have to report for now. I'll for sure post on Monday after our dr.'s appointment. Hope everyone has a great wkend!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Still anxiously waiting..........

The seconds, minutes, hours, days are just creeping by! I'm so ready for little Drew to be here I just can't stand it! We have been walking like crazy, hoping that will initiate more progress! I know he will be here before we know it, but it just doesn't seem like it right now!

Off to do some laundry now. My mom and Joyce are coming to see me tomorrow afternoon, so I'm looking forward to that!

Hope everyone is having a good week. I will post on Friday after our doctor's appointment!

Friday, June 20, 2008

37-week check-up

We just got back from our 37-week doctor appointment a little while ago. We passed a big milestone this week - Drew is now considered 'full-term'!!!! The doctor said we have made GREAT progress this week. He said that he wasn't sure how much of the progress was due to mother nature versus walking - but to keep walking! We have been walking like crazy this week - and plan to continue this next week. Here are the highlights from our apppointment:

-Drew has dropped alot from last week, but still has a little ways to go until he has completely dropped.
-I'm dilated to a 1 and 50% effaced - this means is could be days or week(s) until I go into labor. Of course, I would prefer the days to weeks - so he said to just keep walking and progress will come.
-I didn't gain any weight from my last appointment. Yay! So Sam and I went to Coldstone to celebrate after our appointment. :)
-We go back next Friday at 2 pm for our 38-week appointment. I'm excited that I get to see my regular doctor - we haven't seen her since I was 12-weeks along!

That's about it as far as the appointment goes. We are just relaxing at home tonight and I'm not sure what we are going to do the rest of the weekend. Well Sam has a test on Monday, so I'm sure he'll spend quite a bit of time this weekend studying. Think we might go to dinner and Love Guru tomorrow night! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!!!

Just wanted to wish all those dads out there a Happy Father's Day!!!

Sam - less than 30 days until you're officially a Daddy for life! I can't wait to watch you with Drew. I know you are going to be an unbelievable Dad and Drew is going to LOVE his Daddy like crazy!!! Love you lots!

Hope everyone had a great wkend! We've had a pretty low-key weekend. Yesterday Mom came into town and we spent the day shopping and had lunch at PF Changs (very yummy!!!). Sam spent the day playing golf with Jeremy. Last night we went over to Jeremy and Sarah's house to grill out and then watched a movie. Then today, we just ran a couple of errands, grocery shopped, and have been doing stuff around the house! About to go walking....................

Have a great week!

Friday, June 13, 2008

36-week doctor appointment

We just got back from our appointment and learned we are making only a little progress. I'm not dilated any yet, but am 30% effaced. Also, Drew's head is straight down where it should be, which is good news, but he hasn't dropped yet (which I have kind of figured the past few days b/c of my horrible heartburn and trouble breathing). The doctor said I've GOT to walk, which of course I know, but getting my butt off the couch and into the heat is another story. But......I'm going to MAKE myself walk at least 5 times this next week....and hopefully that will make him drop and make me begin to dilate. So no real exciting news to report, but I guess that's okay; there isn't necessarily supposed to be at this point. My blood pressure has continued to climb and this week the doctor told me she wants me to reduce my work hours to half days. I can tell after only 2 days of working half days that I feel a little better, but I am having a HARD time relaxing. I'm already bored....guess I will have to find some good books to read, movies to watch, and scrapbook a little. We don't have a whole lot going on this weekend. My mom is coming over for the day tomorrow, so I should get some walking in around the mall. :) Other than that, we're just going to be taking it easy! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Friday, June 6, 2008

35-week appointment

I went to the doctor today for my 35-week appointment. It was fairly non-eventful, which was nice! My blood pressure was still a little high, but the doctor said it was a great improvement from my last 2 blood pressure readings and he isn’t overly concerned. What a relief! Then he just took my belly measurement and then we listened to Drew’s heartbeat! Everything is looking good! We go back next Friday – the 13th – and I will get ‘checked’ for the first time! Can’t believe that is already upon us….Drew will be considered ‘full-term’ in 10 days…..and we could have a precious baby boy in only a matter of weeks. I can’t wait to meet him!!!!

My work threw a shower for me last Friday! Once again, we were completely spoiled and got a ton of great stuff we needed! With the gift certificate the 5th floor gave us, we were able to buy the sensor monitor that we wanted and an extra car seat base for Sam’s car! I think we ALMOST have everything that we need. Maybe one more trip to Target this weekend for a few little things!

I’m hoping our weekend will be fairly non-eventful. I am scrapbooking tomorrow at Kelley’s house (starting on Drew’s baby book)…..and that’s all I have planned this weekend! Sam has a test in his history class next week, so he has mentioned studying at the library on Saturday while I’m scrapbooking. I’m hoping for maybe a date night Saturday night!

Last weekend, me and my girls went to Bordino’s for dinner and then to the movies to see Sex and the City!!!! The movie was AWESOME! If you haven’t already seen it, you need to!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! I’m posting a couple of pictures from my work shower!

Monday, June 2, 2008

More Maternity Pictures!!

I was so excited today when Sam told me that we got the cd w/ all the pictures from Anne-Camille in the mail today! I couldn't wait to get home so I could look at ALL of them! They all turned out SO good!!!! Thought I would share a couple more of my favorites!!!! Thanks again A-C; I can't wait for you to take some pics of Drew!!!!