Monday, January 26, 2009

New Tricks.

Thought I would share some of Drew's random new tricks:
* loves touching the tassels on the fan. only daddy can let him do this - mommy isn't tall enough!
*likes to chew the handle on his passy (see pictures below). silly boy.
*he loves spinning toys, especially his 'spin a letter' and 'the animals have something to say' learning toy
*throwing fits! when he doesn't get his way, he throws a fit. when you leave the room, he throws a fit. when you change his clothes, he throws a fit! i don't know what we are going to do with this boy. funny thing is that he doesn't do this for angel or when we are out in public or around friends - typically only at home.
*tries to clap. its so cute.
*loves for you to cheer for him. i suspect he is going to like cheerleaders.

Here are a couple of pictures from him earlier today. We're home iced in enjoying our time together (hopefully with electricity). Hope everyone is staying warm!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't believe how big he has gotten! He is too cute!!